ASU faculty and staff travel
ASU policy currently requires formal approval for all ASU-related student international travel. In order to secure that approval, students (or their ASU faculty/staff group leaders) should begin by registering in this Student International Travel Registration System at least two weeks in advance of planned departure. All such requests will be reviewed by the Global Education Office (GEO) and/or the ASU International Travel Advisory Committee (on behalf of the appropriate Dean/Vice President and Provost/Executive Vice President). Requests submitted less than two weeks prior to departure may not be reviewed before travel.
*Requests approved more than 60 days in advance of travel will be re-reviewed by GEO and/or ITAC approximately 30 days prior to departure.
PLEASE NOTE: Any student who needs to register their ASU-related international travel in My ASU TRIP (Concur) - or any ASU faculty or staff member traveling with ASU students - should complete this process BEFORE seeking approval for travel (and related expenses) in My ASU TRIP (Concur). For any such requests, the traveler can upload GEO’s approval notice to My ASU TRIP (Concur) to expedite approval of that request by ASU Travel and Risk Management. These requests will NOT be approved in My ASU TRIP (Concur) until they have been approved through this process.
Travel Registration
Registration includes a request for basic travel details (e.g., cities/countries and dates, emergency contacts, etc.) and an electronic signature document. Information provided by students and trip leaders within their travel registration may be used in the event of an emergency to locate travelers and communicate emergency information.
PLEASE NOTE: ASU will charge a fee to travelers who register with the ASU Student International Travel Registration System.* The International Travel Service Fee is $3.00 per day. All charges will be posted to the traveler's student account.
*Students/faculty/staff traveling abroad on programs administered by the ASU Global Education Office are registered in a separate system.
For ASU faculty or staff members engaged in University-Related Travel abroad with one or more ASU students, during which you have any control, oversight or other supervisory responsibility over the accompanying ASU student(s).
For Your Consideration
Advanced Planning
ASU faculty, staff or students leading, organizing or otherwise involved with students participating in University-Related Travel must contact the Global Education Office as early as possible before the travel/program begins. ASU departments/programs funding projects that involve international travel by students are responsible for reporting this information to the Global Education Office so that students can complete travel registration prior to departure.
Travel Risk Management Services
The Global Education Office will review the group’s travel plans and discuss with the group leaders best practices and ASU policies to be followed related to arrangements for the health, safety, and security of the ASU travelers.
Travel Intelligence
The Global Education Office will provide registered travelers access to mobile-ready international travel intelligence and risk analysis and advice - before and during international travel - about things like immunization requirements, safety risks, emergency services, LGBTQIA traveler concerns, and political stability/unrest.
Emergency Communications Services
Registered travelers will have access to 24/7 ASU emergency response services while abroad on University-related travel. Before departure, all registered travelers should be equipped with vital emergency information by reviewing ASU's Emergency Contacts and Procedures.
International Health Insurance
Before departure, the Global Education Office will enroll all registered travelers in an international medical/evacuation/repatriation insurance program. ASU's partner, CISI, provides registered travelers access to numerous resources to help manage medical needs before and during travel.
Resources for Group Leaders
- Student International Travel Registration Systems and Process Overview: The Global Education Office has published a short overview of the Student International Travel Registration process. Interested ASU faculty and staff members may access this overview in Workday.
- GEO Pre-Travel Health and Safety Briefing: ASU faculty/staff traveling abroad with one or more ASU students on University-related should review GEO’s Pre-Travel Briefing prior to departure. In addition, faculty/staff group leaders can access a variety of additional workshops hosted by the Global Education Office.
- Other ASU Faculty/Staff Travel Resources: There are a number of ASU policies and resources governing faculty/staff international travel, including those highlighted by ASU Business and Finance
Other Considerations
All University-Related Travel to a country and/or area designated as a “High Risk Destination” requires advance review and approval by the Office of the University Provost or designee. ASU’s International Travel Advisory Committee (ITAC) reviews all planned student travel to High Risk Destinations and advises the Global Education Office and the Office of the University Provost whether the proposed travel should be approved.
A country and/or area is designated as a “High Risk Destination” if any of the following conditions apply:
- A current Travel Advisory (Level 3) has been issued by the U.S. Department of State*;
- A current Travel Health Warning (Level 3) has been issued by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention*;
- A destination has a current Crisis24 Security Assessment rating of 4/5;**
- A destination has a current Riskline Security Rating of 4/5;**
- COVID-related restrictions in the destination are so restrictive as to significantly inhibit the student’s ability to achieve his/her objectives and access critical resources (e.g., border closures, required quarantine on arrival, severe restrictions on in-person activities, hospital capacity restrictions, etc.), or
- ASU travel to a country/area has been designated as restricted by the Office of the University Provost, based on recommendation from the ITAC.
The following conditions and restrictions apply to High Risk Destinations:
- In addition to all other required travel documents, students registering travel to a High Risk Destination must review supplemental information provided by the Global Education Office and acknowledge the risks related to such travel by digitally signing an Acknowledgment of Safety and Security Risk(s) within the online travel registration system.
- The Provost, the ITAC, or the Global Education Office may authorize or restrict ASU travel to specific regions within a High Risk Destination.
- No ASU student, faculty or staff will be required to travel to a High Risk Destination.
*ASU does not automatically consider a destination to be “High Risk” if the Level 3 or Level 4 designation is due only to COVID.
**Crisis24 and Riskline are third party travel intelligence service providers with which ASU has a contractual relationship for risk analysis and other travel risk management services. ASU will not approve student travel to any destination with a 5/5 rating from Crisis24 or Riskline.
In addition to consulting the Student International Travel Registration Policy, be sure to consult FIN 501 for details on ASU’s travel policy for faculty, staff and students traveling on authorized university business.
The Global Education Office (GEO) strongly discourages ASU personnel from driving vehicles with students as passengers during, or as part of, any ASU-related international travel. It is best practice to use public transportation or to locally hire drivers and vehicles to transport students in international locations.
ASU employees planning to drive students while engaged in ASU-related international travel should consider the following:
- ASU faculty/staff who wish to drive students during any ASU-related international travel MUST complete ASU’s Authorized Driver Program. ASU students should NOT drive other ASU students while participating in ASU-related international travel. Any questions related to this should be directed to Risk Management Services.
- Except in case of an emergency, no driver should transport students in a personal vehicle at any time during any ASU-related international travel.
- ASU employees renting a vehicle for ASU-related travel should consult https://cfo.asu.edu/purchasing-sunmart-car.
- Under no circumstances may 12- or 15-passenger vans be used. ASU prohibits the purchase, lease, rental, or use of 12- and 15-passenger vans (see FIN 401-03).
- Drivers should not use a hired vehicle for any personal purposes (i.e., outside the course and scope of their role as an ASU employee).
- Drivers should book (and pay for) the hired vehicle using their ASU Travel Card, when possible.
- At the time of booking, drivers should confirm that full-coverage insurance is included in the rental rates with the rental company. If insurance coverage is not included by default, the driver should purchase the full coverage insurance offered by the rental car company.
- Consult EHS 705-06 for information about insurance coverages in place for university international travel (including ASU’s Mexico auto insurance), as well as EHS 705-02 for guidelines and an overview of the method and process for filing a vehicle claim.
- Any ASU travelers renting a vehicle to drive in Mexico must purchase additional coverage through the rental car company. Any travelers driving ASU vehicles must have a Mexico ID Card from Risk Management Services. Request a Mexico Auto ID card.
All students/faculty/staff engaged in University-Related Travel must comply with all applicable laws and regulations imposed by, or applicable to, the country/area to be visited. Failure to comply with the laws and regulations of a foreign country could result in arrest, imprisonment, and prosecution by foreign governments. ASU may have limited ability to intervene or assist in the event of arrest or imprisonment abroad.
Principal Investigators engaged in research abroad and utilizing students in the conduct of such research must obtain, in advance of such research activity on foreign soil, all special visas, permits, consents, etc. that may be required by local authorities. Principal Investigators are encouraged to contact the local embassy for assistance if any concerns arise.
The Global Education Office has collected this list of resources to assist community members in their pre-departure planning to minimize delays, disruption and/or inconvenience during your travel. Please note that it is up to each individual traveler to understand what documents are required for international travel and to comply with all relevant policies and regulations. ASU does not represent faculty, staff, or students in personal legal matters.
- ACLU Guidance: Know Your Rights When Encountering Law Enforcement at Airports and Other Ports of Entry into the U.S.
- Customs and Border Protection: Information about search authority for persons, baggage and merchandise arriving in the Customs territory of the United States and information about the inspection of electronic devices.
- Department of Homeland Security: Fact Sheets regarding Change to International Travel Carry-On Items for Select Last Point of Departure Airports with Commercial Flights to the U.S. and updated Q& A on this topic.
- U.S. Passports and International Travel: Official application instructions and processing times for U.S. passports. Visit the ASU Passport Acceptance Office in Tempe to get passport photos, apply for new or renewal passports, and/or request information.
The ASU Office of Research Integrity and Assurance (ORIA) oversees ASU’s compliance with federal laws and regulations related to export controls and travel restrictions to sanctioned countries. The Executive Vice President of Knowledge Enterprise Development is authorized to prohibit or restrict ASU travel to any country or region that poses an unacceptable risk for purposes of compliance with such laws and regulations.
See RSP 214 for more information.
Visit https://getprotected.asu.edu/policy-practices/telecommuting-mobile-and-travel-safety
for important recommendations for protecting your sensitive data while traveling.