Frequently asked questions
Your study abroad questions answered
I am interested in participating in a Global Education program! What are the steps I should take in order to apply?
Refer to our Getting Started page to learn more about the process of choosing and applying to an ASU Global Education program. If you already know the program(s) you are interested in, you can view the program brochure page(s) and click on the “Apply Now” button to create an application. Read more about the Application Process.
How can I contact students who have participated in this program in the past?
Unfortunately, a list of returned ASU students is not publicly available. Contact the International Coordinator for the program you are interested in and inquire about whether they can put you in contact with other students. Additionally, there are GEO Recruiters who are returned ASU students and are available to share their Global Education experience, as well as the Sun Devils Abroad blog written by fellow students.
How can I search for programs?
You can search for programs in a variety of ways:
- Advanced program search: For students who want to identify programs that offer a particular area of study or program sponsored by a particular ASU College, Department or School. You can utilize several filters at once for a more targeted result.
- Course search: Ideal for students who have specific ASU courses to complete abroad.
- Map search: Best suited for those who want to browse programs by region, then country.
Where can I learn more information about programs I am interested in?
Our brochure pages contain general information about programs.
GEO Recruiters are returned ASU students and are available to provide general information that will help you start the process of participating in a Global Education program. You can also join them in a Study Abroad 101 session.
Lastly, your International Coordinator can help answer any questions or concerns you have while selecting a program. You can schedule an appointment with your coordinator by visiting your program's brochure page, and clicking the "Contact or Meet with..." button. You can also make an appointment through the Contact us or Make an Appointment page.
Which program is best for me?
Only you will be able to determine which program(s) can meet your personal, academic and professional goals. Think carefully about what you want to achieve and what you want to gain from this experience. If needed, you can also refer to this list of questions to ask yourself when researching program options.
GEO Recruiters are returned ASU students and are available to provide general information that will help you start the process of participating in a Global Education program. You can also join them in a Study Abroad 101 session.
You should also meet with your Academic Advisor to determine which program(s) may fulfill your degree requirements and keep you on track to graduate.
Finally, your International Coordinator can help to answer any questions or concerns you have while selecting a program.
Are programs competitive? Generally, no. But capacity varies greatly by program. Faculty Directed programs, Global Intensive Experience (GIE) programs, and Exchange programs have a limited number of spaces available to ASU students. Partnership programs are generally not competitive, as there is not a limited amount of spaces available. Contact your International Coordinator for more information.
None of the programs match what I want. Can I choose a program that is not listed on the ASU GEO website?
Yes. Refer to the Steps to Study Abroad on Non-ASU Programs and complete Steps 1 - 6 before you commit to a non-ASU program.
When do applications open and close?
For Summer/Fall/Academic Year/Pre-Fall Global Intensive Experience programs, applications typically open in late Fall of the previous year and the deadline to apply is March 1.
For Spring Break/Post-Spring Global Intensive Experience programs, applications typically open in early fall of the previous year and the deadline to apply is November 15.
For Spring/Calendar Year/Winter Break & Pre-Spring Global Intensive Experience programs, applications typically open in late Spring of the previous year and the deadline to apply is September 25.
Note: Most programs will follow these timelines. However, there are programs with exceptions. Refer to the Upcoming Deadlines page to see a list of programs with different application dates.
How do I apply to a Global Education program?
Visit the program page and click on the “Apply Now” button. You will need your ASU login credentials to create an application. Read more about the Application Process.
Some programs may be open to non-ASU students. Read more about the process of applying as a non-ASU student here.
What are the eligibility and application requirements?
Eligibility requirements vary by program. View the specific program brochure page to learn more about minimum GPA, standing, enrollment restrictions and more. Each program's application will have different requirements to complete.
I don’t meet one or more of the eligibility requirements. Can I still apply?
Contact the International Coordinator responsible for the program to find out whether you can still apply or to help you select an alternate program.
I am required to submit an application for a program provider (CIEE, ISA, SIT, etc.) in addition to my ASU Global Education application. When do both applications need to be complete?
Although the application deadlines may vary on a program provider’s website, both applications must be complete by the GEO deadlines.
Can I start an application for more than one program?
Yes! There is no limit to the number of programs you can apply for. No fees are associated with your applications until you decide to confirm your participation in a program.
I don’t currently have a valid passport. Do I need to submit the scan in order for my application to be considered complete/ready for review or to be accepted?
A copy of your passport may or may not be required to be accepted to your program. Contact your International Coordinator to find out whether it is a requirement for your application.
Note: Although a passport may not be required for all programs in order to apply, you will need a valid passport in order to go abroad. The process to obtain a new passport or to renew an expired passport is about 4-6 weeks, and so it is recommended that you apply for your passport as soon as possible. If you do not have a passport yet, we encourage you to visit the ASU U.S. Passport Acceptance Office and find out how you can obtain one.
I am not 100% sure that I will participate in a Global Education program. Should I apply?
Yes! Applying for a program does not mean that you are committing to going. If you are accepted into a program, you will have time to decide whether you want to commit or withdraw.
When should I expect to hear a decision about my application?
The decision timeline varies by program and by International Coordinator. Admissions for Faculty Directed, Global Intensive Experience (GIE), and Partnership programs are on a rolling basis. Students applying for Exchange programs will not hear a decision until after the priority application deadline.
How long will I have to make a decision to commit or withdraw?
Students applying for Partnership and Exchange programs should make a decision within two weeks of their acceptance notification. However, some programs may have earlier confirmation deadlines that will require a decision in less than two weeks.
Students applying for Faculty Directed and Global Intensive Experience (GIE) programs should make a decision within one week after the application deadline. Some programs may have a designated confirmation deadline that is earlier and dependent upon when a student is accepted. Please contact your International Coordinator for more information.
Students who do not commit to their program by the stated confirmation deadline will be withdrawn, and their place in a program may be offered to another applicant.
I am no longer planning to study abroad. Do I have to do anything else?
Yes! If you make this decision before confirming your place in a program, please withdraw your application from our online system. This way, you will not continue to receive automated reminders about remaining application items to complete. If you have applied for a program with limited enrollment, this also allows another student to take your place.
If you want to withdraw after confirming your place in a program, immediately contact your International Coordinator as you will not be able to withdraw your application yourself. Keep in mind that if you withdraw after confirming, you are liable for costs which could total the entire program fee.
Is it possible to change the term of my application?
Contact your International Coordinator if you are interested in switching terms within the same program.
How much does it cost to participate in a Global Education program?
Costs can vary greatly due to a variety of factors such as: destination (cost of living), length of program, program type, and more. To find out how much it may cost to participate in a Global Education program, view the "Program Costs" tab of the program brochure.
The program cost is divided into two sections: billable and non-billable. The billable is what will get charged to your MyASU account. The non-billable are estimated out-of-pocket costs that you want to keep in mind.
How much is tuition?
Tuition and fees vary by program:
- Exchange program participants will pay their regular ASU tuition and fees.
- For Global Intensive Experience (GIE) programs, courses are included in your semester tuition, provided you are enrolled in at least 7 credits (for Arizona residents) or 12 credits (for Non-Resident and International students) and your participation does not result in a course overload (over 18 credits).
- For Faculty Directed and Partnership programs, tuition is included in the Program Fee.
Each program has a separate cost sheet for every term that is offered. This can be viewed on the program brochure page under the "Program Cost" tab.
What kind of financial aid is available to me?
Review the Financing Your Global Education Program section of our website for valuable information about increasing financial aid eligibility, scholarships/grants, community-based funding, and more.
When should I start applying for scholarships?
Since many scholarships have only one application deadline, we recommend that you start to research and apply for scholarships as early as possible.
I currently receive an ASU scholarship. Can I apply this towards a Global Education program?
Refer to the Scholarships at a Glance Chart.
When will I be billed for my application fee/program fee? When will it be due?
Refer to the Global Education Payment Timeline section of the Financing Your Global Education Program Handbook.
What courses can I take while abroad?
For most Partnership or Exchange programs, you should visit the program or university website to view the courses that will be offered specifically during the term that you are interested in. Many programs already have a list of pre-approved courses that previous ASU students have taken. These lists indicate the ASU credit that you will receive if you choose to take this course abroad. Remember that this is a list of ALL courses that ASU students have completed while abroad, but not all of them will be offered during the term you want to participate in a Global Education program. It is recommended that you cross-reference the list of pre-approved courses with the list of courses on the “Program Website” when selecting courses.
Faculty Directed and Global Intensive Experience (GIE) programs already have course information available on the program brochure page on the "Course Info" tab.
How many classes do I have to take while abroad?
The amount of required credits varies by program. All students participating in semester-long or full-year Partnership or Exchange programs must complete the equivalent of at least 12 ASU undergraduate credits, or 9 ASU graduate credits, per semester. For summer and spring break programs, enrollment will depend on the number of credits offered on the program. Read more about Credits & Grades.
Which courses should I choose? Will participating in a Global Education program fulfill the ________ requirement for my major/minor/certificate/etc.?
Please schedule an appointment with your primary academic advisor to discuss the courses you want to take. Read more about Academic Advising for study abroad.
What kind of credit will I receive?
Participants in any GEO program will earn ASU “resident” credit and grades for courses completed on the program. Read more about Credits & Grades.
What does "DE" mean on the program's pre-approved course list?
“DE” stands for department elective, and is a designation that may appear on some ASU credit equivalencies for courses taken on Partnership and Exchange programs. For example, a course with an ASU credit equivalency of “ENG 3DE” is a 300-level ENG elective credit.
Depending on your ASU program, department elective credits may or may not be applicable to your academic requirements. You are encouraged to speak with your academic advisor to confirm if/how specific department elective credits may fit into your path to graduation.
What are ASU’s General Studies requirements? How can I tell if I have Gold or Maroon requirements?
Effective for students starting in fall 2024 and beyond, undergraduate students are required to complete the General Studies Gold courses. Read more information about ASU’s General Studies requirements. Refer to the “My Programs” section of your My ASU homepage if you are unsure if you are required to take General Studies Gold or Maroon.
If you have questions about how coursework on a study abroad program may fulfill your General Studies requirements, refer to the program's pre-approved course list linked on its program page.
Can I take online courses while I am studying abroad?
If you are interested in mainly taking online courses while you are abroad, or completing all your classes online, we encourage you to check out the ASU Global Flex program.
Otherwise, you may enroll in ASU online courses as long as you already meet the minimum full-time enrollment requirements in-country. It is also important to consider internet access and speed in the country where you will be studying, as well as the full-time course load you will be taking in-country.
How do credits abroad convert into upper-division and lower-division credits?
To learn more about whether a course is considered a lower-division (ASU 100/200 classes) or upper-division (ASU 300/400 classes) course, refer to bottom of the “Course Info” tab on your program brochure.
Can I complete an internship abroad?
Yes. Read more in the Internships Abroad section of our website.
I recently returned from my Global Education program. Why haven’t my grades posted yet?
The GEO strives to post all Global Education credits and grades by the end of the term following the Global Education program (e.g. spring semester grades should be posted by the conclusion of the following fall semester). Students will receive a confirmation email from GEO when the Global Education program credits/grades have been posted in the ASU system. If more time than this has passed, there is likely something that is delaying the process, such as missing course equivalencies. Read more in the Academic Information section of our website.
Where is the Global Education Office located?
The Global Education Office is on second floor of the Student Services Building on the Tempe campus in Room 278. International Coordinators are also available for phone and Zoom advising appointments.
How do I know who my International Coordinator (IC) is?
Each program’s brochure page includes the name of the IC who is responsible for the program in the Program Snapshot box. You can also view the list of ICs and their programs of responsibility.
Is it possible to have more than one assigned IC?
Yes. Partnership & Exchange programs are divided by geographic region whereas Faculty Directed programs are divided by school. If you are applying to multiple programs across different regions and/or schools, you may be communicating with different ICs. You should always direct program-specific questions to the IC who is responsible for that program.
I can’t make it to the Tempe campus / none of my IC’s available appointment times are compatible with my schedule. What should I do?
You may email your IC to request an appointment outside of regular advising hours. In addition to in-person appointments, International Coordinators are available for phone and Zoom advising appointments. Please indicate in your appointment request that you would like a phone or Zoom appointment, and provide the necessary contact information where you can be reached.
Global Education Office contact information:
Phone: (480) 965-5965
Fax: (480) 965-4026
Email: goglobal@asu.edu